This page compiles key resources to support local and tribal mitigation planning teams.
This page compiles key resources to support local and tribal mitigation planning teams.

Getting Started

Getting Started

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ND Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP) Status
View the status and expiration dates of local and tribal mitigation plans here.

Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide
The Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide is FEMA’s official policy that guides and sets regulations and requirements for local hazard mitigation planning.

North Dakota - State Climate Summaries 2022
The NOAA North Dakota Climate Summaries provide state-level climate variability including both long-term trends and extreme weather information in the context of the National Climate Assessment (NCA).

Assessing Risk

Assessing Risk

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ND Presidential Disaster Declarations
The ND Presidential Disaster Declaration displays historical information on declared disasters from 1993 to current day. 


ND Enhanced State Mitigation Mission Area Operations Plan
The ND State Hazard Mitigation Plan outlines natural, technological, and adversarial threats and hazards that pose a risk to the health and welfare of citizens paired with a mitigation strategy aimed at reducing risk statewide.


Extent and Magnitude Document
This documents guides planning teams through elements related to extent which are scientific scales that determine the levels of severity for natural disasters.


Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT)
RAPT is a geographic information system (GIS) based tool with over 100 pre-loaded data layers to support understanding and visualization of data for all phases of emergency management.


Home | Climate Toolbox
This tool is a collection of web tools for visualizing past and projected climate and hydrology of the contiguous United States for the analyzation of future conditions.

Reducing Risk and Keeping the Plan Alive

Reducing Risk and Keeping the Plan Alive

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 Building Community Resilience with Nature-Based Solutions: A Guide for Local Officials
The goal of this guide is to identify and engage staff and resources that can be used to implement nature-based solutions to build resilience to nature hazards. 

2024 Annual Report (w/mitigation actions)
NDDES Annual Reports features completed mitigation actions, grant opportunities, emerging topics related to mitigation, a summary of outreach efforts and an annual update of mitigation actions from the ND Enhanced Mitigation Plan. 

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants |
FEMA’s hazard mitigation assistance provides a variety of funding sources for eligible long-term solutions that reduce the impact of disasters in the future.

Local Mitigation Plan Review Tool
Following the completion of the plan update, local planning teams will complete the Plan Review Tool to guide the review and approval process. 
